Designed for the couple that want unlimited service for their special day.
This bespoke package includes:
- Initial no obligation meeting, to make sure I'm the right gal for you!.
- Questionnaire, so I get to know your story and write the ceremony for your dreams.
- The required meetings, emails and phone calls to ensure you are both happy with your bespoke ceremony.
- Ceremony rehearsal
- Professionally bound copy of your ceremony as a keepsake.
- Completion of all legal paperwork and the submission to the appropriate agency.
* Travel costs outside of the Waipa district do apply.

One Simplified Wedding
For those couples who are not after any fuss and just want to seal the deal. This package includes the following:
- Initial no obligation meeting, to see if the right gal for you!
- Brief questionnaire, so I get to know your story.
- Second meeting to iron out any details.
- Professionally printed copy of your ceremony as a keepsake.
- Completion and submission of all legal paperwork to the appropriate agency.
* Travel costs outside of the Waipa district do apply.
One Registry Style Wedding
Courthouse marriages are no longer available outside of Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.
For a similar fee I will marry you and your love one at your home or mine or at a venue of your choice in front of 8 or less of your family and friends. (Including your two witnesses)
- Completion of all legal paperwork and the submission to the appropriate agency.
* Travel costs outside of the Waipa district do apply.